Education & Work

Finding Jobs in France – Tips & Tricks 2024

Going on a job hunt in France presents a unique set of opportunities and challenges, especially for those who may not be fluent in French. This article aims to equip you with practical advice and resources to streamline your job search process. Whether you’re seeking your first job in France, looking to switch careers, or … Read more

Mastering Taxes in France for Freelancers

Embarking on a freelance or self-employed career in France presents a unique set of financial responsibilities, chief among them understanding and fulfilling your tax obligations. This guide aims to shed light on the complex but crucial domain of taxes for freelancers and self-employed workers residing in France. We want to assist you in determining your … Read more

Best Universities in France: Everything You Need To Know

For foreigners venturing into France for their academic pursuits, selecting the right university is a decision that holds substantial weight. The choice is not merely about academic programs and rankings; it’s about finding a place that supports and enriches the unique journey of an international student. This article aims to shed light on the best … Read more

How to Make Money Online in France: Where to Start (2024)

As a foreigner, the flexibility that online ventures provide can be invaluable. Perhaps you’re looking to supplement your income while studying, or maybe you’re seeking more freedom in setting your own work hours. Whatever the case may be, diving into France’s digital sea can be both engaging and rewarding. So, buckle up and get ready … Read more

Unemployment Benefits in France: A Complete Guide (2024)

In this article, we’ll delve into unemployment benefits in France: from eligibility criteria to the application process, and from the duration and amount of the benefits to your rights and obligations. Whether you’ve been in France for years or are relatively new, it’s reassuring to know that there’s a support system in place, ready to … Read more

Student Loans in France: What You Need To Know

In this article, we’ll take a look at student loans in France, offering clarity and reassurance every step of the way. Let’s set you on the path to making informed financial decisions that align with your educational dreams! KEY TAKEAWAYS Why Consider a Student Loan in France? First and foremost, let’s talk about the magnet … Read more

Mastering the French CV: Dos and Don’ts [year]

Among the primary tools of job hunting in France, the Curriculum Vitae (CV) reigns supreme. A CV is not merely a list of qualifications and experiences. In France, it’s a reflection of one’s professional identity, a carefully crafted narrative of an individual’s journey through the professional world. For foreigners, understanding the subtleties of a French … Read more

Work Permit Process in France: A 2024 Guide

The work permit not only serves as a legal authorization to work but also aligns with France’s dedication to ensuring both employer and employee rights are upheld. While the nuances may seem intricate, this article endeavors to provide a coherent overview of the work permits in France, illustrating the various types available and guiding potential … Read more

Internships in France: In-Depth Guide 2024

Stepping into the world of internships in France can be likened to opening a door to a realm rich in experiences and opportunities. As one dives deeper into France’s professional sphere, they’re not just exposed to the intricate workings of industries but also the beautiful mosaic of French culture and history that weaves itself seamlessly … Read more

International Schools in France: A 2024 Guide for Foreigners

Over the years, the French landscape has gracefully woven international education into its tapestry, making it a desirable destination for expatriates and their families. Recognizing the diverse needs of its cosmopolitan population, France has seen a steady rise in institutions that cater to an international curriculum, ensuring every child, no matter where they’re from, has … Read more