How to Get a Social Security Number in France


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Understanding a new country’s administrative system can be challenging, especially for foreigners unfamiliar with the local language and procedures. In France, one of the critical steps for integrating into society and accessing essential services is obtaining a social security number. This number is not just a formality; it serves as a key to a range of benefits and services that are crucial for a comfortable and secure stay in the country.

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In this article, we will explore how to get a social security number in France. We’ll delve into the eligibility criteria and the documentation required, and provide a detailed step-by-step guide on how to apply. Additionally, we will highlight the significance of the social security number in accessing healthcare, employment, and other vital services.


  • A French social security number is essential for accessing healthcare, employment, and social benefits in France.
  • Eligibility for a social security number is primarily based on legal residence in France.
  • The application process involves gathering specific documents, submitting an application, and following up.
  • Registering with L’Assurance Maladie is crucial for healthcare access and involves receiving a Carte Vitale.
  • The social security number is used in various aspects of life in France, from healthcare to banking.
  • Navigating the system is easier with access to resources like, CPAM offices, and expat forums.

Understanding the French Social Security System

In France, the social security system is a fundamental aspect of life, deeply integrated into various facets of daily living. It is a comprehensive system designed to provide support and security to residents in areas like healthcare, retirement, family benefits, and unemployment. Central to this system is the social security number, a unique identifier assigned to each individual, playing a crucial role in ensuring access to these benefits and services.

What is a Social Security Number?

The French social security number, known as “numéro de sécurité sociale,” is a 13-digit number, sometimes followed by a two-digit control key. This number is not just a random string of digits; it encodes certain personal information. For instance, the first digit indicates the individual’s gender, the next six digits represent the date of birth, and the following five digits reflect the place of birth. The social security number is unique to each individual and remains the same throughout their life in France.

Significance of the Social Security Number

Having a social security number in France is essential for several reasons:

Access to Healthcare: It is linked to the health insurance card, known as the “Carte Vitale,” allowing individuals to access the French healthcare system, including doctor’s visits, hospital care, and prescriptions.

Employment: Employers require this number for payroll and to contribute to the employee’s social security benefits.

Social Benefits: It is necessary for availing various social benefits including family allowances, maternity/paternity leave, and unemployment benefits.

Retirement: The number is used to accumulate retirement points and access pension benefits.

The number thus acts as a gateway to a wide array of services and benefits, making it an indispensable part of living and working in France.

The Benefits Provided by the French Social Security System

The French social security system is known for its extensive coverage and benefits. Here are some of the key benefits:

Healthcare Coverage: A large part of healthcare expenses, including doctor visits, hospital stays, and medicines, are covered.

Family Benefits: These include allowances for children, housing assistance, and support during pregnancy and childbirth.

Pension and Retirement Benefits: The system provides pensions and retirement benefits based on the contributions made during one’s working life.

Unemployment Insurance: In case of job loss, the system provides financial support under certain conditions.

Eligibility for a Social Security Number

how to get a social security number in france

When it comes to obtaining a social security number in France, understanding who is eligible is a crucial step. France has outlined specific criteria to determine who can be part of their social security system. This part of the article addresses these criteria, helping you to understand whether you qualify for a social security number.

General Eligibility Criteria

The fundamental eligibility requirement for a social security number in France is legal residence. Regardless of your nationality, if you are legally residing in France, you are typically eligible to apply for a social security number. This includes:

EU and EEA Citizens

If you are a citizen of the European Union (EU), European Economic Area (EEA), or Switzerland, you have the right to live and work in France, which includes access to social security.

Non-EU Citizens

For those from outside the EU/EEA, having a valid residence permit (titre de séjour) is essential. This permit demonstrates your legal status in France and is a prerequisite for applying for a social security number.

Special Considerations for Different Types of Foreigners

Different categories of foreigners in France may have specific processes or additional requirements for obtaining a social security number:

Students: International students are eligible for a social security number. They must be enrolled in a French higher education institution and be under 28 years of age. However, there are exceptions for those over 28, based on their circumstances and type of studies.

Workers (Employees and Self-Employed): Foreigners working in France, whether employed or self-employed, are eligible for a social security number. The process often starts with the employer’s assistance for employed individuals.

Family Members of French Residents: If you are a family member of someone legally residing in France (e.g., a spouse or child), you can apply for a social security number, provided you meet certain conditions related to your stay and relationship.

Refugees and Asylum Seekers: Individuals with recognized refugee status or those who have applied for asylum in France are also eligible to apply.

Documentation and Residency Requirements

The application process for a social security number requires specific documentation, which can vary slightly depending on your situation. Generally, you would need:

  • Proof of identity (passport, national ID card, residence permit).
  • Proof of residence in France (such as a rental agreement or utility bill).
  • Additional documents depending on your status (like a work contract for employees, enrollment proof for students).

How to Get a Social Security Number in France: The Application Process

Securing a social security number in France involves a well-defined application process. This process can seem daunting at first, but with a clear understanding of the steps involved, it becomes much more manageable. Here, we outline the essential stages of the application process, providing a roadmap for foreigners to navigate this important task.

Step-by-Step Guide to Applying for a Social Security Number

1. Gathering Necessary Documents

Before initiating the application, it’s crucial to gather all the required documents. The exact list may vary based on your specific circumstances, but generally includes:

  • A valid passport or national identity card.
  • Proof of residence in France (like a lease agreement or utility bill).
  • Documentation of your status in France (such as a student enrollment certificate, work contract, or residence permit).
  • Birth certificate (preferably translated into French).
  • Any additional relevant documents (like a marriage certificate, if applicable).

2. Submitting Your Application

Once you have all your documents ready, you can proceed to submit your application. There are two primary ways to do this:

Online Application

For many, applying online is the most convenient option. The French social security website provides a platform where you can upload your documents and fill out the necessary forms.

In-Person Submission

If online submission is not suitable or available for your case, you can visit a local social security office (Caisse Primaire d’Assurance Maladie – CPAM) to submit your application in person. It’s advisable to book an appointment in advance to avoid long wait times.

3. Application Follow-up

After submitting your application, it’s important to monitor its progress. You can usually do this online through the same portal where you submitted your application. The processing time can vary, but it generally takes a few weeks to a couple of months to receive your social security number.

Registering with a Health Insurance Provider (L’Assurance Maladie)

Upon receiving your social security number, the next step is to register with the French health insurance provider, known as L’Assurance Maladie. This registration is vital as it links your social security number to the healthcare system, allowing you to access medical services and benefits.

Using Your Social Security Number

Once you have your social security number, you can start using it in various aspects of your life in France, such as for healthcare services, employment paperwork, and accessing social benefits.

Gathering Necessary Documents

The foundation of a successful application for a social security number in France is the preparation and compilation of the necessary documents. This step is critical as missing or incorrect documents can lead to delays in the application process. Here, we detail the essential documents you need to gather and provide tips on how to obtain them.

List of Essential Documents

Document TypeDescriptionNotes
Proof of IdentityValid passport or national ID card.Ensure current validity.
Proof of Legal ResidenceResidence permit or proof of residence.Mandatory for non-EU citizens.
Birth CertificateOriginal or certified copy.Translation may be required if not in French.
Proof of Status in FranceEnrollment certificate or work contract.Varies based on individual status (student, worker, etc.).
Additional Personal DocumentsDepending on individual circumstances.May include marriage certificates, etc.
  • Proof of Identity
    • A valid passport or national identity card.
    • Ensure that these documents are current and have not expired.
  • Proof of Legal Residence in France
    • A valid residence permit (titre de séjour) for non-EU citizens.
    • For EU citizens, any document that proves your residence in France, such as a lease agreement or a utility bill in your name.
  • Birth Certificate
    • An original or certified copy of your birth certificate.
    • If the certificate is not in French, a certified translation may be required.
  • Proof of Status in France
    • For students: Enrollment certificate from a French educational institution.
    • For employees: Work contract or letter of employment from your employer in France.
    • For self-employed individuals: Proof of business registration or similar documents.
  • Additional Personal Documents
    • Depending on your situation, additional documents such as marriage certificates, divorce decrees, or documents relating to dependents may be necessary.

Tips on Obtaining These Documents

  • Birth Certificate: Request a copy from the relevant authority in your country of birth. Plan ahead, as obtaining this document can take time, especially if it needs to be translated and certified.
  • Certified Translations: If your documents are not in French, seek out a certified translator. You can often find a list of approved translators through your home country’s embassy or the French government’s official websites.
  • Document Legibility and Validity: Ensure all documents are legible and valid. Expired or damaged documents may not be accepted.
  • Digital Copies: For online applications, prepare digital copies (scans or clear photographs) of all your documents. Make sure these copies are clear and readable.
  • Organize Your Documents: Keep your documents organized and readily accessible. This will make the application process smoother and help you respond quickly to any requests for additional information.

Submitting Your Application

With all the necessary documents in hand, the next critical step in obtaining your French social security number is the actual submission of your application. This process can be approached in two primary ways: online or in-person. Both methods are designed to be user-friendly, but it’s important to choose the one that best suits your situation and comfort level.

Online Application Process

  • Accessing the Online Portal
    • Visit the official website of the French social security system. This portal is the primary gateway for online applications.
    • Create an account or log in if you already have one.
  • Filling Out the Application Form
    • Carefully fill out the application form. Ensure that all information is accurate and matches the details in your documents.
    • The form may be in French, so consider using translation tools or seeking assistance if you’re not fluent in the language.
  • Uploading Documents
    • Scan or take clear photographs of your documents.
    • Upload these digital copies to the portal as part of your application.
  • Review and Submit
    • Review your application and attached documents for any errors or omissions.
    • Once satisfied, submit your application through the portal.
  • Confirmation and Tracking
    • After submission, you will receive a confirmation, often via email.
    • Use the portal to track the progress of your application.

In-Person Application Process

  • Finding a Local CPAM Office
    • Locate your nearest Caisse Primaire d’Assurance Maladie (CPAM) office. These are the local branches of the French social security system.
  • Scheduling an Appointment
    • It’s advisable to schedule an appointment to avoid long wait times. This can usually be done online or via phone.
  • Preparing Your Documents
    • Bring all the required documents in their original form. It’s also a good idea to bring copies.
  • Visiting the CPAM Office
    • Attend your appointment and submit your documents to the CPAM officer. They will review your application and may ask additional questions.
  • Receipt of Submission
    • After submitting your documents, you will receive a receipt or acknowledgment of your application.

Choosing the Right Method

Convenience: Online applications are generally more convenient and can be completed from anywhere.

Language Barrier: If you face language barriers, in-person applications can be advantageous, as CPAM officers may assist you in filling out forms and understanding the process.

Complex Situations: In-person applications are also recommended for more complex situations, where direct communication can help clarify specific issues.

Application Follow-up

After submitting your application for a French social security number, the process does not end. Following up on your application is an important step to ensure that everything is proceeding smoothly and to address any potential issues that may arise. Here, we’ll guide you through the follow-up process, from tracking your application to dealing with any queries that might come up.

Tracking the Application Status

Online Tracking: If you’ve applied online, you can usually track the status of your application through the same portal where you submitted it. Log in regularly to check for updates.

Contacting CPAM: For those who applied in person or prefer direct communication, you can contact the local CPAM office where you submitted your application. They can provide updates on the status of your application.

Email and Postal Communications: Keep an eye on your email and postal mail for any communications from the social security office. They may send requests for additional information or updates on your application status.

Responding to Queries

If the social security office requires additional information or clarification, they will contact you. Respond promptly to these queries to avoid delays in your application.

Make sure you understand what is being asked. If there’s a language barrier, seek help from a translator or a local assistance service.

Dealing with Delays

Social security applications can take time to process. The duration can vary, often taking a few weeks to a couple of months.

If your application seems to be taking longer than usual, contact the CPAM office for an update. There might be a backlog, or they might be waiting for additional information from you.

Stay patient but proactive. Regular follow-ups show your interest and can sometimes help expedite the process.

Receiving Your Social Security Number

Once your application is processed and approved, you will receive your social security number. This is usually sent via postal mail.

Along with the number, you will receive instructions on how to use it and how to proceed with registering for health insurance and other benefits.

Registering with a Health Insurance Provider (L’Assurance Maladie)

Once you have successfully obtained your French social security number, the next important step is to register with a health insurance provider, known as L’Assurance Maladie. This registration is crucial as it fully integrates you into the French healthcare system, allowing you to access medical services and benefits more easily and efficiently.

Understanding L’Assurance Maladie

L’Assurance Maladie is the primary health insurance provider in France, covering a significant portion of healthcare costs for its residents. Registration with L’Assurance Maladie is not just beneficial; it is essential for anyone living in France, as it provides:

  1. Coverage for a wide range of medical services including doctor visits, hospital stays, and prescribed medications.
  2. Reimbursements for a part of the healthcare costs incurred.
  3. A health insurance card (Carte Vitale) which simplifies administrative procedures at healthcare facilities.

Steps to Register with L’Assurance Maladie

  • Gather Required Documents
    • Similar to the social security application, ensure you have all necessary documents ready. This usually includes your social security number, proof of identity, residence permit (for non-EU citizens), and proof of residence in France.
  • Filling the Application Form
    • Obtain the application form for health insurance registration. This can be done online on the website or at a local CPAM office.
    • Fill out the form carefully, ensuring all details are accurate and match your documentation.
  • Submission of the Application
    • Submit the completed application along with the required documents. This can be done online or at a CPAM office.
    • If submitting in person, it may be beneficial to make an appointment to avoid long wait times.
  • Receiving Your Carte Vitale
    • After your application is processed, you will receive your Carte Vitale. This health insurance card contains your personal details, including your social security number.
    • The Carte Vitale is used at doctors’ offices, pharmacies, and other healthcare providers to facilitate billing and reimbursement processes.

Using Your Carte Vitale

Always bring your Carte Vitale when visiting healthcare providers in France. It streamlines the process of receiving care and handling payments and reimbursements.

Keep your Carte Vitale safe and update it regularly at the kiosks available in pharmacies and CPAM offices.

Additional Health Insurance (Mutuelle)

In France, it’s common to supplement L’Assurance Maladie with additional private health insurance, known as a “mutuelle.” This coverage can help reimburse the portion of healthcare costs not covered by L’Assurance Maladie.

Consider your healthcare needs and explore various mutuelle options to find one that suits you best.

Using Your Social Security Number

After obtaining your French social security number and registering with L’Assurance Maladie, you are well-equipped to fully integrate into the French system. Your social security number is a key tool in this integration, serving various purposes beyond just healthcare access. Understanding how and where to use your social security number is essential for navigating life in France efficiently.

Healthcare Services

Doctor Visits and Hospital Admissions: Present your social security number at every medical appointment. It is essential for billing and reimbursement processes.

Pharmacies: When purchasing prescribed medications, your social security number, usually through your Carte Vitale, is used to process payments and claim reimbursements.

Employment and Payroll

Formal Employment: Your employer will require your social security number to set up your payroll. It is used to calculate and pay your social security contributions, which fund various benefits like healthcare, pension, and unemployment insurance.

Self-Employment: If self-employed, your social security number is necessary for declaring your income and paying social contributions.

Accessing Social Benefits

Family Allowances and Childcare Benefits: If you are eligible for family-related benefits, your social security number is required to apply and receive these services.

Unemployment Benefits: In the event of job loss, your social security number is needed to apply for and receive unemployment benefits.

Banking and Financial Transactions

Opening a Bank Account: Most banks in France require your social security number for identity verification when opening a new account.

Loans and Credit Applications: When applying for loans or credit, your social security number is used for credit checks and financial assessments.


Income Tax Declarations: Your social security number is linked to your tax records. It’s required for declaring your income and calculating taxes.

Everyday Life

Public Services and Utilities: When registering for public services or setting up utilities like electricity or internet, your social security number is often required as part of the identification process.

Protecting Your Social Security Number

While your social security number is essential, it’s also sensitive personal information. Be cautious about where and how you share it to protect against identity theft.

Additional Tips

Successfully navigating the process of obtaining and using a social security number in France is a significant accomplishment for any foreigner. To further assist you in this journey, here are some additional tips that can be invaluable in ensuring a smooth experience and in addressing any challenges that may arise.

  • Language Barrier: If you’re not fluent in French, consider using translation services or seeking help from bilingual friends or colleagues. Many official websites offer English versions, and some local CPAM offices may have English-speaking staff.
  • Stay Informed: Regulations and procedures can change. Regularly visit official websites or follow expat forums for the latest information.
  • Document Safety: Keep original documents and copies in a safe place. Loss of important documents can cause significant delays.
  • Seek Help When Needed: Don’t hesitate to ask for assistance. Many expat groups, online forums, and local support services can offer valuable advice and help.
  • Patience is Key: Administrative processes in France can take time. Be patient but persistent in your follow-ups.


How long does it take to get a social security number in France?

The processing time can vary depending on several factors such as the time of year, the specific CPAM office, and the completeness of your application. Generally, it takes a few weeks to a couple of months. It’s advisable to apply as soon as possible after arriving in France.

Can I access healthcare services without a social security number?

Accessing full healthcare services typically requires a social security number. However, in emergency situations, you can receive medical care regardless of your social security status. It’s advisable to apply for a social security number promptly to ensure comprehensive healthcare coverage.

Is it mandatory for all foreigners to have a social security number in France?

If you plan to live, work, or study in France for an extended period, obtaining a social security number is essential. It not only provides access to healthcare but also to other social benefits and is necessary for legal employment.

Do I need to renew my social security number if my residency status changes?

The social security number itself does not need to be renewed; it remains the same for life. However, if your residency status changes (for example, from student to employee), you should update your status with the social security office to ensure proper coverage and benefits.

Can my family members also get a social security number?

Yes, family members who are legally residing in France and dependents of a person with a social security number can also apply for their own numbers. They need to follow a similar application process.

What should I do if I lose my social security number or Carte Vitale?

If you lose your social security number or Carte Vitale, you should report it to the nearest CPAM office as soon as possible. They will guide you through the steps to obtain a replacement.

How can I find the nearest CPAM office?

You can find the nearest CPAM office by visiting the website and using the office locator tool. Alternatively, you can ask for this information at your local town hall or from fellow expatriates.

Is it possible to expedite the Social Security number application process?

Generally, the process follows a standard timeframe. However, ensuring that your application is complete and accurate can prevent delays. In urgent situations, explaining your circumstances to the CPAM office might help, but expedited processing is not guaranteed.

Additional Resources

  • Official Social Security Website: The primary resource for information on healthcare and social security. It provides comprehensive guides, forms, and contact information.
  • Local CPAM Offices: For in-person assistance and specific queries related to social security and healthcare.
  • French Government Websites: Websites like offer a wealth of information on various administrative procedures in France.
  • Your home country’s embassy or consulate can provide assistance and information, particularly in complex situations or emergencies.
  • Legal Assistance Services: For complex situations, consider consulting a legal expert, especially when dealing with immigration and residency issues.
  • Translation Services: If needed, utilize certified translation services for official document translation.

ABOUT Amelie

Amélie, our devoted Relocation Expert at Born and raised in Lyon, Amélie possesses a profound grasp of French culture, traditions, and way of life, which she leverages to offer you unparalleled relocation guidance

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