Tipping in France: etiquette Guide 2024


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In France, service charges are legally included in the price of the meal or service (known as “service compris”). However, the gesture of leaving a tip is often seen as a sign of appreciation for exceptional service. It’s less about obligation and more about kindness and recognition of the individual who served you.

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This article will guide you through the customary practices surrounding tipping in various service encounters across the country. From dining out to hailing a taxi, we’ll demystify the ins and outs of tipping etiquette in France.


  • Tipping is more modest in France, reflecting appreciation rather than obligation.
  • Service charges are often included, but small cash tips are customary for good service.
  • Tipping etiquette varies by service: restaurants, taxis, hotels, and personal services each have their norms.
  • Discretion is key—tips are given quietly and directly to the service provider.
  • Over-tipping can be perceived as flaunting wealth or misunderstanding French culture.
  • Politeness and a sincere ‘thank you’ complement any tip given.

The Basics of Tipping in France

In the realm of French hospitality and service, tipping serves as an ancillary gesture of appreciation rather than a compulsory addition to a bill. Understanding the foundational practices of tipping in France can set the stage for seamless integration into the local customs and help foster positive interactions with service providers.

Legal Inclusion of Service Charge

In France, a service charge, typically around 10-15%, is legally included in the prices of goods and services—it’s the “service compris” that you’ll often notice on your bill. This mandatory charge is distributed among the staff, ensuring that they are fairly compensated for their services, irrespective of the tips received.

Additional Tipping: A Voluntary Gesture

Despite the included service charge, if you experience service that surpasses your expectations, it is customary to leave a little extra. This additional tipping is entirely voluntary and should be seen as a personal way to express satisfaction.

Here are some general guidelines for when and how much one might consider tipping additionally in France:

Fine Dining: In a high-end restaurant setting, it’s not unusual for patrons to leave a couple of extra euros on the table, regardless of the bill’s size. It’s a token of gratitude for exemplary service.

Casual Dining and Brasseries: For a relaxed meal or a coffee at a café, simply rounding up the bill or leaving a small change can be a courteous acknowledgment of good service.

Housekeeping and Concierge Services: While these services come with the service charge included in your hotel bill, a tip for exceptional service can be offered directly to the staff member. It is a way to recognize their personal effort in enhancing your stay.

Restaurants and Cafés

Restaurants and Cafés

Navigating the customs of tipping within French restaurants and cafés can add a layer of authenticity to your dining experience. It’s a practice that reflects both your appreciation for the service and your understanding of local etiquette.

Service TypeSuggested TipNotes
Sit-down restaurant5-10% of the billOn top of service charge if service was exceptional
Casual dining or caféRound up to the nearest euroParticularly for small tabs or drinks
Exceptional serviceAdditional 5%For service that goes above and beyond
Buffet-style service1-2 euros per personOptional, based on your discretion
Group dining5-10 euros for the tableDepending on the size of the group

Tipping in Sit-down Restaurants

When dining at a traditional sit-down restaurant, it’s common to find the service charge included in your bill, denoted by “service compris.” Despite this, it is customary for patrons to leave a little extra if they are pleased with the service provided. The amount is modest; leaving an additional 5–10% is considered generous, but often just rounding up the total or leaving a couple of euros is the norm.

Here is a guideline to consider:

  • For an exceptional dining experience where the server has been attentive, informative, and personable, you might leave a tip reflective of your gratitude.
  • If the service was satisfactory but not outstanding, simply rounding up the bill to the nearest euro is a common practice.
  • Should the service be included but not specified as “service compris,” a line on the bill may read “service non compris,” indicating that the service charge is not included, and a tip would be particularly appreciated.

Tipping in Casual or Fast-Food Restaurants and Cafés

In more casual eateries and fast-food restaurants, the tipping culture shifts slightly. Here, the service is more straightforward, and tipping is even less expected. In these instances, it’s not uncommon for customers to leave the small change they receive after paying with cash or to forgo tipping altogether.

  • If you have coffee or a quick meal, you might leave the small coins from your change as a tip.
  • At a self-service café, where you order at the counter, there is no expectation to tip. However, a tip jar might be present, and any contribution is usually appreciated.

The Common Practice for Rounding Up the Bill

The art of ‘la d’appoint,’ or rounding up, is a subtle way to tip in France. It involves rounding up the total amount to a convenient number, usually the nearest whole euro amount. This method of tipping is unobtrusive and often preferred for its simplicity.

  • For example, if your coffee costs €1.80, you might leave €2.
  • On a lunch bill of €22.50, rounding up to €25 can be a nice gesture if the service is good.

Bars and Nightclubs

The vibrant bar and nightclub scene in France is another setting where tipping can reflect your understanding of local customs. Whether you’re sipping on a cocktail in a chic Parisian bar or enjoying the lively ambiance of a dance club in Lyon, the unwritten rules of tipping can vary from the norm in restaurants and cafes.

Tipping at Bars

In French bars, the approach to tipping can be more nuanced. If you’ve ordered a drink directly from the bar, especially in a busy establishment, tipping isn’t expected, but as with cafes, you may leave a small change or round up the bill as a gesture of goodwill.

A simple beer or wine might not necessitate a tip, but if you order a complex cocktail or receive exceptional attention from the bartender, leaving €1-2 would be a considerate nod to the service received.

During a night out, if you find yourself frequently returning to the same bartender, a tip early in the evening may ensure a memorable service throughout your stay.

Tipping for Table Service in Bars and Nightclubs

When it comes to table service, whether in a bar or a nightclub, the expectations slightly increase. The convenience and comfort of table service often merit a modest tip.

A general guideline for tipping on table service would be to leave about €1 per drink or 10% of the total bill if the service was particularly impressive.

If you’ve reserved a table or a VIP section in a nightclub, it’s considerate to tip the staff who attend to your group, as they ensure your experience is seamless.

Understanding the Expectation for Table Service Versus Bar Service

The expectation for tipping may indeed hinge on the level of service you’re receiving. At a crowded bar where you’ve flagged down a bartender, the expectation is minimal.

Conversely, if a server is dedicated to your table for the evening, taking multiple orders, and ensuring your comfort, the expectation for a tip increases. For a group enjoying bottle service, a tip of 10-15% can be a generous acknowledgment of the attentive service provided.

In instances where you’re ordering from a particularly engaging or entertaining bartender, you might consider a tip reflective of the enhanced experience they’ve provided.

Seasonal and Event Considerations

During high season or special events when bars and nightclubs see an influx of patrons, your tip can be a gesture of appreciation for the staff’s increased effort and attentiveness during these busy times.

On nights like New Year’s Eve or during festivals, an extra tip can go a long way in expressing your gratitude for the staff’s hard work.

Taxis and Transportation Services

Taxis and Transportation Services

When it comes to transportation services in France, whether hailing a cab through the cobbled streets of historic cities or utilizing the efficiency of private transfer services, understanding the customary approach to tipping can enhance the travel experience.

Tipping Taxi Drivers

With taxi drivers, the practice of tipping is more about rounding up the fare than a set percentage. Taxi fares are metered, and while drivers do not expect a tip, it is courteous to leave a little extra, particularly if they have provided a service that adds to the convenience or comfort of your journey.

For a straightforward city ride without any additional services, rounding up to the nearest euro is a common practice.

If the driver assists with heavy luggage, navigates through less familiar routes, or provides insightful local knowledge during the ride, you might consider tipping a bit more—between 5% and 10% of the fare.

In the case of a long-distance trip or an exceptional service that contributed significantly to your travel experience, a larger tip is a kind way to show your appreciation.

Tipping for Ride-Sharing Services and Private Transfers

With the advent of ride-sharing services, the tipping culture has seen some evolution. These services often include the option to tip electronically after the ride, making it convenient for those who do not carry cash.

While not obligatory, tipping through the app after a satisfactory service is a modern-day courtesy that is always appreciated by drivers.

For private transfer services, especially when booked through a luxury service or when transporting a larger group with extra requirements, a tip of about 10% is a good benchmark.

Gratitude for Extra Services

Beyond the basic transportation service, drivers may offer additional assistance or convenience, such as waiting during an errand or offering informative commentary about the region. In these instances, a tip is a direct reflection of your gratitude for their time and expertise.

When drivers go out of their way to ensure safety, comfort, or provide an enhanced experience, an additional tip is a suitable way to acknowledge their exceptional service.

Consideration for Personalized Services

For regular or personalized services, like a daily pick-up or a pre-arranged tour of the city, establishing a rapport with your driver can lead to more personalized experiences. In these cases, tipping becomes part of the mutual respect and appreciation between passenger and driver.

A consistent tipping practice in these scenarios not only rewards the immediate service but can also cultivate a beneficial relationship for future travels.


The experience of staying in French accommodations, from boutique hotels in the heart of the city to charming bed and breakfasts in rural vineyards, can be made all the more pleasant with an understanding of the tipping customs associated with these services.

Hotels and Hospitality Services

In hotels across France, you will typically find that a service charge is included in your bill for the room. However, for personal services rendered by hotel staff, a small tip is a customary way to show appreciation.

Bellhops and Porters

For the individual who assists with your luggage, a tip of €1 to €2 per bag is a standard token of gratitude for their effort and care.


For the housekeeping staff, who ensure the cleanliness and comfort of your room, consider leaving a tip of around €1 to €2 per day. This can be left daily or as a lump sum at the end of your stay, usually placed clearly on the bedside table or with a note.

Concierge Services

If the concierge provides a service beyond the usual—such as securing reservations at a prestigious restaurant or arranging hard-to-get tickets to an event—a tip of €5 to €10 can be given to acknowledge their extra effort.

Bed and Breakfasts and Guesthouses

The setting of bed and breakfasts and guesthouses is often more intimate, and the service is typically more personal. Tipping is not as expected in these smaller accommodations, but it is still appreciated for exceptional service.

Hosts: If the host goes above and beyond to enhance your stay, a tip is a lovely gesture. The amount can vary depending on the level of service, but a guideline might be around 5% of the total stay.

Cleaning Staff: Similar to hotels, if there is a daily cleaning service, a small tip for the housekeeping staff is a considerate acknowledgment of their work.

Seasonal Rentals and Airbnb

With the popularity of Airbnb and similar rental services, the line on tipping can be less clear. These services do not typically include cleaning or personal services in the cost, and each rental situation can be unique.

Cleaning Fee Included: If a cleaning fee is included and paid upfront, there is no expectation to tip for standard cleaning after your departure. However, if the place is left in a state that requires extra cleaning, leaving an additional amount to cover this inconvenience would be considerate.

Cleaning Fee Not Included: If there is no cleaning fee, and especially if the property owner or manager has provided additional personal touches or assistance, a tip similar to that for housekeeping in a hotel can be appropriate.

The French Perspective on Tipping in Accommodations

In France, tipping in the realm of accommodation is seen as a voluntary extension of thanks rather than an obligatory payment. It is an opportunity to express personal gratitude for services that have been particularly helpful or delivered with exceptional care.

The French appreciate this acknowledgment of service, which, while not mandatory, is a sincere gesture of appreciation that enhances the reciprocal relationship between guest and host.

Beauty and Wellness Services

Beauty and Wellness Services

In the realm of beauty and wellness—a sector that spans from the chic salons of Paris to the tranquil spas of the French Riviera—tipping remains a gesture that speaks to the personal nature of the service. It’s a recognition of the individual who has provided not just a service but an experience aimed at personal relaxation and beautification.

Hair Salons and Barbershops

In hair salons and barbershops across France, tipping is not as deeply ingrained a practice as it might be elsewhere, yet it is becoming more common, especially in upscale establishments or with stylists who go above and beyond.

For a haircut, a tip of €2 to €5 could be offered to the stylist or barber, especially if you are pleased with the result or have received exceptional attention.

For more extensive services like coloring or a full hair treatment, offering 5% to 10% of the final bill is a gracious way to acknowledge the time and skill invested in your service.

Spa Services

Spa visits are considered a luxury experience, and the tip often reflects the level of satisfaction with the indulgence received.

After a massage or a facial, clients tend to leave a tip of around 10% if they’ve enjoyed the service and felt the therapist provided a particularly therapeutic or relaxing session.

For a series of treatments or a full day at the spa, the tip might increase to 15% of the total cost, left at the reception to be distributed to the therapists.

Nail Salons

The practice of tipping in nail salons is somewhat variable and can depend on the type of establishment and the complexity of the service.

A simple manicure or pedicure might warrant a tip of a few euros if you’re happy with the service. For more elaborate treatments, such as gel or acrylic nails, clients might consider tipping up to 10% of the service cost.

Tipping for Personal Attention

In all beauty and wellness services, the degree to which the service is personalized can influence the tipping decision.

If the service provider offers personalized advice, extra care, or supplementary services at no additional charge, clients often choose to tip as a token of their gratitude.

For services that have a therapeutic component, such as a particularly effective massage or a beauty treatment that boosts confidence, clients might tip to reflect the value of that personal impact.

Frequency and Relationship

For individuals who visit beauty and wellness providers regularly, tipping can also be influenced by the relationship developed over time.

Regular clients might tip consistently to show appreciation and to maintain a good relationship with their preferred service providers. Conversely, for a first-time visit or a one-off service, clients might tip purely based on their satisfaction with that specific experience.

Tour Guides and Excursions

The role of a tour guide is pivotal in shaping a visitor’s experience of France’s rich cultural tapestry and breathtaking landscapes. When it comes to guided tours and excursions, tipping is a way to express gratitude for the guide’s expertise, enthusiasm, and ability to make historical facts and anecdotes come alive.

Group Tours

On group tours, where a single guide leads a number of participants through historical sites, museums, or city walks, individual tipping is a way to thank the guide for their shared knowledge and engagement.

A standard tip for a half-day group tour can range from €2 to €5 per person. For a full-day tour, a tip of €5 to €10 per person would be customary, depending on the length and complexity of the tour.

Private Tours

Private tours offer a more personalized experience and typically come at a higher cost. Consequently, tipping reflects the tailored service and individual attention provided by the guide.

For private tours, a tip of 10% to 15% of the total cost of the tour is a good benchmark. If the tour guide goes beyond the standard itinerary, offering in-depth information or personal anecdotes, clients might adjust the tip upwards to reflect their enhanced experience.

Specialty Excursions and Activities

France offers a variety of specialty excursions, such as wine tastings in Bordeaux, cooking classes in Lyon, or hot-air balloon rides over the Loire Valley. These experiences often include the services of expert guides or instructors.

For these unique activities, a tip of €10 to €20 can be appropriate, considering the level of expertise and the quality of the experience. In cases where the guide or instructor has provided an exceptional experience, such as access to exclusive areas or interactive and informative sessions, a larger tip would be an excellent way to acknowledge their efforts.

Acknowledging Exceptional Stories and Experiences

A guide’s ability to weave stories, provide insights, and engage with their audience is often what makes an excursion memorable. When a guide’s performance stands out, a tip becomes a personal thank you for the enrichment they’ve added to your travel experience.

An especially knowledgeable and charismatic guide might receive an additional tip as recognition of the memorable experience they’ve crafted.

For guides who handle logistics, provide special care to accommodate personal needs, or enhance safety during adventurous activities, a tip is also a nod to their professionalism and care.

Cultural Sensitivity and Appreciation

While France has a more relaxed attitude towards tipping than some other countries, tipping tour guides and excursion leaders is seen as a sign of cultural appreciation.

It shows respect for the professional’s knowledge and contribution to the cultural exchange. It’s also an acknowledgment of the guide’s role in making the rich history and culture of France accessible and engaging to visitors.

Tipping for Other Services

Beyond the realms of dining, transportation, and hospitality, there are various other services where tipping in France might come into play. From the casual assistance provided by street performers to the professional diligence of artisans, understanding when and how to tip can be the key to a seamless experience in the French service landscape.

Street Performers and Artists

France’s city streets and plazas are often graced with the talents of street performers and artists, especially in tourist-heavy areas.

For musicians, mimes, and other performers who add a spark of joy to your day, dropping a few euros into their hat or collection box is a common way to show your enjoyment of their performance.

When purchasing art from street artists, especially those who create personalized sketches or portraits, rounding up the price or adding a 10% tip is a kind way to appreciate their artistic contribution.

Salon and Spa Add-Ons

In salons and spas, while the tipping for main services has been covered, there are often add-on services that might prompt an additional tip.

For instance, if you receive a complimentary quick massage after a haircut or an extra touch-up at a nail salon, offering a few extra euros directly to the staff member who provided these services can be a gracious gesture.

Delivery Services

With the rise in popularity of food and grocery delivery services, tipping etiquette has adapted to these conveniences.

For food delivery, a tip of a couple of euros is customary, particularly if the weather is bad or if the delivery person has had to navigate multiple flights of stairs.

For furniture or large-item deliveries, especially if the delivery includes installation or carrying items to a specific location in your home, €5 to €10 is a considerate tip to account for the extra effort involved.

Specialized Artisan Work

When dealing with artisans or workers who perform specialized tasks, such as repairing a piece of antique furniture or custom-making an item, tipping isn’t expected but can be offered for exceptional work.

If an artisan goes above and beyond, such as completing a job faster than expected or adding in fine details at no extra cost, a tip of 5% to 10% of the total bill can show your appreciation for their craftsmanship.

Home Services

For services rendered directly in your home, such as cleaning services, plumbing, or electrical work, tipping is not customary in France, and a service charge is often included in the bill.

However, for a job that’s particularly challenging or completed with extraordinary courtesy or efficiency, a small tip or even offering a coffee or refreshment can be a friendly way to say thank you.

Tailoring and Alterations

For personal services such as tailoring or clothing alterations, the French often do not tip, but if someone provides rapid service for a last-minute request or performs a particularly complex alteration skillfully, a tip of €5 to €10 could be offered for their expertise and timely service.

Cultural Tidbits and Tipping Faux Pas

Cultural Tidbits and Tipping Faux Pas

Navigating the cultural nuances of tipping in France is as much about knowing when and how much to tip as it is about understanding the local customs and what not to do. Acknowledging the subtleties can enhance mutual respect and prevent any unintended social missteps.

The Discretion of Tipping

In France, the act of tipping is discreet. It’s not about the show, but the sentiment.

Tips are usually given quietly and without fanfare. Hand the tip directly to the person who served you, rather than leaving it on the table or counter.

If paying by card, you might find that there isn’t an option to add a tip electronically, as it’s preferred to tip in cash directly to the service provider.

Service Inclus (“Service Included”)

A common feature in French bills, particularly in restaurants, is the phrase “service inclus,” indicating that a service charge has already been added to the bill.

While this charge goes to the establishment and is meant to be distributed among the staff, it does not mean that the individual who provided service directly to you will receive a specific portion of it.

Even with “service inclus,” if the service was exceptional, it is still considered polite to leave a little extra for the individual who served you.

Over-Tipping Can Be a Faux Pas

Excessive tipping can sometimes be interpreted as a lack of understanding of French culture or, worse, as flaunting wealth.

Tip modestly and in proportion to the quality of the service and the type of establishment. Avoid leaving large tips that could be seen as ostentatious or possibly insulting, as if implying that the service staff is in dire need of charity.

Tipping is Not a Substitute for Politeness

A tip should always accompany the polite behavior expected in French society, not replace it.

Always say “bonjour” when entering a place and “au revoir” when leaving, regardless of whether you intend to leave a tip. A tip is an addition to a courteous interaction, not a replacement for it.

Tipping in Coins vs. Notes

The form of your tip can also carry cultural implications.

It’s perfectly acceptable to tip with coins, particularly in casual settings like cafes or for small tips in restaurants. For larger amounts or in more formal settings, using notes can sometimes be perceived as more respectful.

Cultural Perception of Service Jobs

In France, service jobs are regarded with respect and are not viewed merely as transitory positions.

Tipping is seen as an acknowledgment of professional service rather than a necessity for the service worker to make a living wage. This perspective underscores the idea that a tip is for exceptional service, not an obligation due to the economic status of the service provider.

Acknowledging the Full Experience

In French culture, tipping is about the overall experience—not just the transaction.

Consider the ambiance, the attention to detail, and the personal touches when deciding on a tip. A genuine “merci” or a compliment to the chef or service provider can be as valuable as a monetary tip.

Moving Forward with Confidence

Mastering the art of tipping in France is an essential part of the journey for any foreigner who wishes to embrace the local customs with grace. It’s about moving through different social and service environments with an understanding that goes beyond language barriers and gets to the heart of French cultural practices.

Embracing Local Norms

As you step forward, keep in mind that tipping is not just about money—it’s about showing appreciation and being mindful of local norms. With each service encounter, you have the opportunity to demonstrate your respect for the French way of life.

A tip, however small, is a token of your gratitude and is always better than no tip at all when the service warrants it. Observing locals can also be a good way to gauge appropriate tipping behaviors in different situations.

Confidence in Various Settings

Whether you’re dining out, hailing a cab, or staying at a hotel, carry with you the knowledge of standard tipping practices. This awareness will allow you to navigate these scenarios with ease and assurance.

  • In restaurants, rounding up the bill or leaving a few extra euros reflects satisfaction with the service.
  • A modest tip to your taxi driver for a smooth and safe ride is a polite gesture.
  • Housekeeping staff at your hotel will appreciate a daily tip, as it acknowledges their ongoing effort to make your stay comfortable.

The Importance of Subtlety

Tipping in France is as much about subtlety as it is about the financial gesture. It’s an understated way of saying “thank you” without drawing undue attention.

Be discreet when tipping; it is a personal exchange between you and the service provider. A quietly placed note or a handful of coins handed over with a smile goes a long way.

Adjusting to the Service

Staying adaptable is key. The nuances of the service may call for a more flexible approach to tipping.

If you receive service that is particularly attentive or bespoke, consider tipping slightly more than the standard rate. Conversely, if the service is lacking, it’s acceptable to adjust your tip accordingly, though it’s always done with politeness and tact.

A Part of Daily Life

Integrate tipping into your daily life in France by keeping small denominations of euros handy. This small act of preparation shows foresight and a readiness to engage in the customary practices of your new environment.

Having the correct change on hand for tips can prevent any last-minute scrambling and ensure a smooth end to a service transaction.


Originating from the lively city of Marseille, Luc embodies the essence of the French lifestyle, gracing our platform with enthralling glimpses into France’s rich culture and traditions.

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